User Interface

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The Main Window


System Menu


The system menu contains the standard Windows functions as well as access to Profiles, Options and Support.




Access to the main functions of MaxREAL.  Keyboard Shortcuts can also be used to access these functions.



The buttonbar allows easy access to features in the Workspace and Stream3D windows.


Input File


Shows current input file if File Mode has been selected from the command line.  A new file can also be selected using the input edit box or the browse button.


Getting Started Panel


Displays the getting started help chapter.  This panel can be hidden or shown from the Options Dialog.


Quick Links Panel


Allows you to configure easy access to commonly used functions.



The Workspace Window


Camera Views


Shows the current camera 2D views using either marker or video view.


Selection Tabs


Select the Workspace section that you want to configure.




Show the current configuration.  You can change configurations here.  Current configurations will be saved and used next time you start MaxREAL.  Configurations can also be saved and loaded using User Profiles.


Context Help


Shows help about the current Workspace section.



The Stream3D Window


6DOF Target


The 6DOF targets are displayed showing the Origin and the X/Y/Z axis.  There are several options to display traces, 3D points, stcks etc.


Camera 3D Location


Shows the location of the cameras in 3D space.  Can be turned off in the Options Dialog.


Embedded Camera Views


Shows the 2D views simultaneously with the 3D/6DOF points.  Useful for troubleshooting.  Can be turned on or off using Keyboard Shortcut or the Button Bar.




Displays a virtual floor to make it easier to visualize the 3D/6DOF targets.  Can be configured in the Options Dialog.