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The MaxREAL menu can be pulled down from the Application Icon in the upper left corner of MaxREAL.  In addition to the System Menu commands, the menu contains the following MaxREAL commands



Shortcut Key


Profile u



Load Profile


This will load a previously saved profile.  A profile consists of the current options and settings.  Loading a new profile, will restart MaxREAL so all the settings such as application colors can take affect.

Save Profile


Save all current options and settings as a named profile.  Profiles can be saved to either your Application Data folder or your cameras SSD if equipped.  See Camera SSD for more information.



Allows you to change application settings and properties.  Refer to Options Dialog for more information.

Check for Updates


Check for new updates.  Currently not Available.

Support u



Web Site


Takes you to the Innovision Systems Web Site for Support Information

Email Support Information


Email support information to Innovision Systems.  Note that you need email activated on the system.

Save Support Information


Saves the support information so you can email using your preferred email client.

Email Data Files


Allows yout to directly email saved data files along with (optionally) calibration information.  See Emaling Data Files for more information.

License Information


Check your current software liceninsing.

About MaxREAL


Display the standard Application About Box