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Contents & Index


Displays the MaxTRAQ On-Line Manual.



Runs the MaxTRAQ tutorial.

On-Line Tour


Allows you to take an introductory tour of MaxTRAQ.  You will need have an internet connection to be able to take the tour.

Check for Update


Check the Website for software updates

Support 4
    Web Site


Go to the Website to send Tech Support Request

Support 4
    Email Support Info


Email Support Information from this computer.  Note, email must have been setup and enabled on the computer.  If you have not enabled email on the computer, use Send Support Information instead (see below).

Support 4
    Send Support Info


This will create a file with all the current settings of the software.  Please attach this file to an email and send it

License Information


Displays information about your license.  This dialog box also allows you to transfer your license to another computer.  See How to Register for more information.

About MaxTRAQ


Displays program version, available options and copyright notice.