Output Setup

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Streaming Port


TCP/IP Port to use for the streaming.  A client need to connect to this port in order to connect to the MaxREAL streaming server.  Default is port 1221.


Data Type


The streaming server can stream data in 4 different formats.  Select the format the server should send data in.  This can be changed by the client if needed. 


3D Only

The data is 3D points and contains X/Y/Z coordinates for each point up to number of points.  The format of the coordinates depends on the version number.

3D + Rotation Angles

The data contains 6DOF (6 Degree Of Freedom) data where each point contains the 3D coordinate of the origin of the rigid body followed by 3 rotation angles.  First is rotation about X-axis, second is about Y-axis and third angle is about Z-axis.  The rotation angles are in respect to the global coordinate system.

3D + Quaternions

Data type Quaternions.  The data is the 3D coordinate of the origin of the rigid body followed by 4 floating points or doubles depending on the data version.  The order of the 4 quaternions is X, Y, Z with W being the 4th.  The rotation angles are in respect to the global coordinate system.

3D + Rotation Matrix

The data contains 6DOF (6 Degree Of Freedom) data where each point contains the 3D coordinate of the origin of the rigid body followed by the 3x3 rotation matrix of the rigid body in respect to the global coordinate system.


See TCP/IP Streaming Protocol chapter Data Packet Format for more information.


Data Version


3D and 6DOF Data can be sent in either single or double precision IEEE floating points.


Default Protocol


Select the default protocol.  The following Protocols can  be selected:



Basic 2 way protocol.  Streaming will be ready as soon as connected and a frame will be sent with each 'S' command.  This protocol can only be used with 3D data using single precision floating point, i.e. Type = '3' and Version = '1'.

Note; The server will start this protocol as soon as it has received this command.  Any other commands except 'S' will be disregarded after selecting this protocol.


Use 1 way protocol.  The server will send a frame as soon as it is available.  This is the default protocol for MaxREAL.


Use 2 way protocol.  This requires the client to send a 'S' character before each frame is transferred to the client.


See TCP/IP Streaming Protocol chapter Protocol for more information.


Data Reduction


The output frame rate can be reduced from the camera frame rate by selecting the number of frames to reduce, for example, reducing by 1 frame will reduce the output frame rate by 50% from the selected camera frame rate.


Start Output After


Starts output to the port after selected number of seconds delay.


Stop Output After


Stops output 3D/6DOF data on the port after specified number of seconds


Minimize to Tray


Gives you the option to minimize the MaxREAL application to the Windows System Tray.  The following options are available:

When Minimizing the Application
After Client has connected
After server has started to output data in selected port