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The MyBASIC2 Workspace



The Workspace dockable window contains the Project Tree, File Explorer and the Favorites list.




The Project Tree


This tab contains the project tree where you define the files included in the currently opened project.  If no project is opened, then this tab is grayed.  Please note that you can still use the MyBASIC2  IDE to edit and run source files.  However, if you have multiple files and with dependencies, you will need to create a project in order to build the files.


See Projects for more information.




The File Explorer


Simple file explorer to help you browse and find files. You can double-click on files to open them in the editor.  you can right-click and then use the menu to add a file to your project or to the Favorites list.  Use the "Filters..." at the right bottom corner to specify a file filter.




The Favorites List


A list of Favorites files to make it easy to access commonly used files or folders.  The list can also contain executables in order to have quick access to additional tools.