System Files

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MyBASIC2 System Files



When running a program, the IDE will automatically load MyBASIC2 system files unless disabled in the Environment Options dialog.  If you're running MyBASIC2 as a script engine under an application such as MaxTRAQ or MaxA additional system files may be loaded.  Also see Files for more information about system files.


Currently the following system files have been defined:


MyBASIC2 Environment


MyBASIC2.BIC - Compiled Include FIle

MyBASIC2.BIS - Include File


MaxTRAQ Environment


MaxTRAQ.BIC - Com;iled Include File

MaxTRAQ.BIS - Include File


MaxA Environment


MaxA.BIC - Compiled Include File

MaxA.BIS - Include File


Note that MyBASIC2 will look for compiled include files first and if not found it will try to located the source file.