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The MyBASIC2 Options Dialog





Application Settings and File Types


Here you can change the MyBASIC2 application settings and the file types that the IDE will recognize.  You can also change the Snippet folder from the default Application Data folder to your own folder.




Editor and Snippets


The Editor section contains settings to customize the editor user interface.  The Snippets section lets you customize how to vewi and load Code Snippets and Code Templates.



Runtime Environment


The Environment section allows you to change the runtime environment including the Console appearance.  You can also change betwen the Command Line Debugger and GUI Debugger.


If you select "Disable Load System Files", the standard include files MyBASIC2,BIS and any application specific include files will not load automatically and need to be included using $INCLUDE if needed.


Enabling OPTION EXPLICIT ON as the default, will have any program run under the IDE to use OPTION EXPLICIT ON as well as compiling any source files.



Syntax Color Highlighting Options


Here you can set the colors used by the syntax color highlighting.  There are 4 list of keywords that can have different colors in addition to comments, identifiers, operators, numbers and string.


You can list the keywords in each Keyword List box or you can have the name enclosed by <> of a a text file with the keywords.  You can have multiple text files in each Keyword List.  If the Keyword List is empty, the IDE default will be used. The IDE default includes all the MyBASIC2 statements and functions described in the Programming Language and Functions sections.


If the keyword list file isn't found as specified, then MyBASIC2 IDE uses the Windows Environment Variable MyBASIC2_KeyWords to look for the keyword list file.  If not defined or found, the IDE will look for a subfolder called "Keywords" in the Application Data Folder or in the Installation Folder.