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This is a simple console application that defines 2 script functions, INC and TITLE_CASE.  INC will increments the supplied INTEGER by one and TITLE_CASE will convert the supplied string to a Title Case string where each word is capitalized.


Sample Application:




// SampleScriptApp.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.




#include "stdafx.h"



// *** NOTE ***

// Make sure to define _MB2_PARSE_MACROS before including MyBASIC2.h if

// we want to use the Parsing Macros



#include "MyBASIC2.h"



// Increment INTEGER parameter by one

int _inc_func( mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l )


  // Parse Parameter(s)

  BEGIN_PARSE( s, l )

     POP_INT( nPar )



  // Return incremented integer parameter

  RETURN_INT( ++nPar );




// Capitalize each word in a string

int _title_case_func( mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l )


  // Parse Parameter

  BEGIN_PARSE( s, l )

     POP_STRING( pStrPar )



  // Make a copy that we can return

  COPY_STRING( pOutput, pStrPar )


  // Make all lower first

  strlwr( pOutput );


  // Always make sure first is Upper

  pOutput[0] = toupper( pOutput[0] );


  // Convert first character of every word to upper case

  for ( unsigned i = 1; i < strlen( pOutput ); i++ )


     if ( ( pOutput[i-1] == ' ' ) || ( pOutput[i-1] == '\t' ) )


        pOutput[i] = toupper( pOutput[i] );




  // Return Converted String

  RETURN_STRING( pOutput );




// MAIN Function.  If file name argument not supplied then prompt for it


int main( int argc, char* argv[] )


  char              strName[_MAX_PATH];

  mb_interpreter_t* bas = NULL;


  // Check if we have a file as argument

  if ( argc < 2 )


     printf( "_Enter Script File: " );

     scanf( "%s", strName );




     strcpy( strName, argv[1] );



  // Make sure we have a file name

  if ( strlen( strName ) > 0 )


     // Initialize and open an interpreter


     mb_open( &bas );


     // Register our functions

     mb_register_func( bas, "INC", _inc_func );

     mb_register_func( bas, "TITLE_CASE", _title_case_func );


     // Load and Run our Script file

     if ( mb_load_file( bas, strName ) == MB_FUNC_OK )


        if ( mb_run( bas ) != MB_FUNC_END )


           printf( "ERROR, An Error occurred when running Script File: %s\n", strName );





        printf( "ERROR, Loading Script File: %s\n", strName );



     // Remove Functions

     mb_remove_func( bas, "INC" );

     mb_remove_func( bas, "TITLE_CASE" );


     // Close down MyBASIC2

     mb_close( &bas );





     printf( "ERROR, No Script File Provided\n" );




       return 0;



Sample Script File




DIM strings(4) AS STRING



strings(1) = "kalle anka was here today."

strings(2) = "Nisse Hult was also here."

strings(3) = "Pelle was somewhere else. Of course !!!"

strings(4) = "kalle and nisse had to do it on their own :-("


i = 0



  i = INC( i )

  PRINT TITLE_CASE( strings( i ) ),

UNTIL i = 4






Kalle Anka Was Here Today.

Nisse Hult Was Also Here.

Pelle Was Somewhere Else. Of Course !!!

Kalle And Nisse Had To Do It On Their Own :-(