Adding Functions

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Once you have initialized the MyBASIC2 environment you can create and open an interpreter and start adding your script functions.


Opening the Interpreter


int mb_open( mb_interpreter_t** s );


This function opens an interpreter structure to get ready for parsing and running.


Closing the Interpreter


int mb_close(mb_interpreter_t** s);


This function closes an interpreter structure when it is no longer used. mb_open and mb_close must be matched in pair.


Adding Functions


int mb_register_func( mb_interpreter_t* s, const char* n, mb_func_t f );


This function registers a function pointer into an interpreter structure using a given name. The function to be registered must be a pointer as int (*mb_func_t)( struct mb_interpreter_t*, void** ). A registered function can be called in script.


int mb_remove_func( mb_interpreter_t* s, const char* n );


This function removes a registered function out of an interpreter structure by a given name.





// Forward Declare our callback functions

int _hello_func( mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l );

int _bye_func( mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l );




// Initialize MyBASIC2



// Create and Open an interpreter

mb_interpreter_t* bas = NULL;

mb_open( &bas );


// Register our functions

mb_register_func( bas, "HELLO", _hello_func );

mb_register_func( bas, "BYE", _bye_func );


// Load and run the script

if ( mb_load_file( bas, "MY_SCRIPT.BAS" ) == MB_FUNC_OK )


  // Note, mb_run will return MB_FUNC_END when normal termination

  if ( mb_run( bas ) != MB_FUNC_END )


     printf( "Error Running Script File MY_SCRIPT.BAS\n" );





  printf( "Error Loading Script File MY_SCRIPT.BAS\n" );



// Remove functions and close interpreter

mb_remove_func( "HELLO" );

mb_remove_func( "BYE );


mb_close( &bas );


// Terminate MyBASIC2







int _hello_func( mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l )


  // Parse Empty Parameters

  BEGIN_PARSE( s, l )



  // Create output String

  COPY_STRING( pHello, "HELLO" );


  // Return the string "HELLO"

  RETURN_STRING( pHello );





int _bye_func( mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l )


  // Parse Empty Parameters

  BEGIN_PARSE( s, l )



  // Terminate Interpreter

