Project Menu

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The MyBASIC2 Project Menu





Add To Project


Add current program or selected files to the current project.

New Folder


Creates a new project folder

Change Target Type to


Build and Compile, Copy or Include Item.  A Build and Compile item will be compiled to the target folder during a project build.  A Copy item will only be copied to target project folder.  Include Items will not be compiled nor copied and are only included in projtects for easy access and clarity.


Set as Main Program


Designates the selected program as the Main Program.  The IDE will run the Main Program when you select Run Target.

Compile <program>


Compiles the selected program and outputs the compiled file to the project target folder

Build Project


Builds the entire project

Run <program>


Run current program

Run Target <compiled>


Run the target (compiled) program



Display the Project Properties dialog