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mb_data_e mb_get_array_type( LPARRAY pArr )



Returns the data type of the array pointed to by pArr.





// Copy the whole array from Array In to Array Out


mb_error_e CMYBASIC2_MaxMAL::VSet( _array_t* pOut, _array_t* pIn )


  if ( !pOut || !pIn ) return SE_RN_BAD_PARAMS;

  if ( !IS_NUM_ARRAY( pIn ) ) return SE_RN_BAD_PARAMS;

  if ( !CompareDims( pOut, pIn, TRUE ) ) return SE_RN_BAD_PARAMS;


  int nSize = mb_get_array_element_count( pIn ) *

              ( mb_get_array_type( pIn ) == MB_DT_REAL ? sizeof( real_t ) : sizeof( int_t ) );


  memcpy( pOut->raw, pIn->raw, nSize );


  return SE_NO_ERR;

