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void* mb_get_array_element_ptr( LPARRAY pArr, LPIXARRAY ix_array )



Returns the pointer to the specified array item.  The size of the ix_array must be at least MB_MAX_DIMENSION_COUNT. The array item should be specified with the right-most dimension in lowest index.  For example;



DIM arr(10,5) AS INTEGER


To get the pointer to item arr(2,4) with base 1 you would fill in ix_array as


ix_array[0] = 3

ix_array[1] = 1

ix_array[2] = 0

ix_array[3] = 0


Note that we need to use 0 based offsets as we normally do in C/C++





// Return the total sum of all array items


int _array_sum( mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l )


  // Parse Parameter

  BEGIN_PARSE( s, l )

     POP_ARRAY( pArr )



  int   ix_array[MB_MAX_DIMENSIONS];


  memset( ix_array, 0, sizeof( ix_array ) );

  mb_get_array_dimensions( pArr, ix_array );


  // Count number of elements

  int nCount = 0;


  for ( int i = 0; i < MB_MAX_DIMENSIONS; i++ )


     nCount += ix_array[i];



  // Point to the first element

  memset( ix_array, 0, sizeof( ix_array ) );

  float* pFloat = mb_get_array_element_ptr( pArr, ix_array );


  // Get the sum of all elements


  float fSum = 0;


  for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; i++ )


     fSum += *pFloat;



  // Return Count as INTEGER

  RETURN_REAL( fSum );
