Keyboard Handler

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The keyboard handler is used to handle the INKEY$ and the OPTION BREAK settings.  As with the input and output handlers, we have 2 versions of the keyboard handlers, with and without the mb_interpreter_t parameters.  It's recommended to use the extended version (_ex) with mb_interpreter_t parameter.




static int _check_keyboard( mb_interpreter_t* s, short int* pKey, short int break_key );


mb_set_check_keyboard_handler( bas, _check_keyboard );




static int _check_keyboard( mb_interpreter_t* s, short int* pKey, short int break_key )


  if ( mb_get_environment( s ) == ENV_WINDOWS )


     // Pass it to our Window MB2 Console DLL

     return MB2Console_OnCheckKeyboard( pKey, break_key );




     if ( _kbhit() )


        int key = getch();


        if ( key == break_key )


           // Abort and Terminate

           printf( "<BREAK>" );

           return MB_FUNC_BYE;


        if ( pKey )


           // Return the key pressed

           *pKey = key;





  return MB_FUNC_OK;
