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The following MyBASIC2 statements uses the Console handler



COLOR background [, foreground]

FONT name, size, bold, italic

SCREEN mode, [x-pos], [y-pos], [width], [height]


These statements allows your BASIC program to customize the output screen.  If you haven't defined a console handler, MyBASIC2 will signal an error when they're used.


Console Structures


typedef struct mb_console_screen_t


  int                  mode;

  int                  xpos;

  int                  ypos;

  int                  width;

  int                  height;

  } mb_console_screen_t;


typedef struct mb_console_color_t


  uint_t               bg;

  uint_t               fg;

  } mb_console_color_t;


typedef struct mb_console_font_t


  char*                name;

  int                  size;

  int                  bold;

  int                  italic;

  } mb_console_font_t;


Console Example


int _console( mb_interpreter_t* s, int cmd, void* pParams );


mb_set_console_handler( bas, _console );




int _console( mb_interpreter_t* s, int nCmd, void* pParams )


  switch ( nCmd )


     case MB_CONSOLE_CLS:

        // Call function to handle CLS

        return ConsoleCls();


        // Call function to handle SCREEN

        return ConsoleScreen( (mb_console_screen_t*)pParams );


        // Call function to handle COLOR

        return ConsoleColor( (mb_console_color_t*)pParams );

     case MB_CONSOLE_FONT:

        // Call function to handle FONT

        return ConsoleFont( (mb_console_font_t*)pParams );


  return MB_FUNC_ERR;
