Step 2 - Recording the Calibration

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There are two methods you can use to calibrate the camera system.


Method 1


Place the reference structure in the field of view of the cameras.  The reference structure must be viewed by all the cameras.  Start the recording and then move the wand around the entire measurement volume. Please refer to How to move the wand for details on optimal wand movement.  It is important to move the wand around the entire measurement volume and in all three directions for proper coordinate system scaling.


Method 2


The above method can be accomplished in two steps.   The advantage of this method is that it is easier to track the wand movement since they will not be obscuring any of the reference markers.  In most cases, this is the preferred method.


1.First place the reference structure in the field of view of all the cameras and take a snap shot.
2.Secondly remove the reference structure and start a new recording and record the wand motion as in method 1.


Reference Structure as seen from Camera 1 and 2



Wand movement as seen from Camera 1and 2






After recording the files using either of the above methods, load the files into MaxTRAQ 3D Calibration.