Shortcut Key
Show Markers
Toggles data markers on or off. If turned on, the curves are displayed with lines and a marker at each data point.
Show GridX
Displays or hides vertical grid lines. Gridlines extend from the tick marks on an axis across the plot area.
Show GridY
Displays or hides horizontal grid lines. Gridlines extend from the tick marks on an axis across the plot area.
Show Legend
Displays or hides the legend.
Maximize Chart
Maximizes the graph to utilize the entire window.
Show Data
If turned on, the columns with the data graphed will be displayed to the right of the graph.
Options --> Units
Allows you to specify the displacement unit that is being used in graphs.
Options -->Set 2D Parameters
Displays the 2D Parameters Dialog Box that allows you to specify the parameters used for 2D transformations.
Options -->Preferences
Displays the Preferences Dialog Box. This dialog box allows you to change the display of and their , display , to protect /, to restore. It can also be used to specify default , and Files.
Excel Menu and Toolbars
Temporarily suspends the program and displays the Excel standard menu and toolbar. To return to MaxMATE, press Ctrl+A.