Graph Preferences |
Properties of several graph objects can be changed by double-clicking on the object and then use the properties dialog boxes to change any of the properties. Properties of the following graph objects are saved when you use the Save Current Preferences from the View Men:
Attributes of the following data objects can be changed by using the Excel format command:
The state of the following graph attributes are also saved:
Show Markers ON or OFF Maximize Chart ON or OFF Show Data ON or OFF Show Row and Column Headings ON or OFF
Additionally, the following window attributes are saved:
Application Window State, Position and Size Worksheet Window State, Position and Size
Note; You may restore all the graph properties to their defaults by using the Restore Current Preferences from the View Menu. Click on Options and Preferences and under General Tab you can click on Restore Current Preferences
You can select a Graph Preference File other than the default GRPHPREF.XLS by using the View Menu and select Options and Preferences and under Files tab Specify Default Preference File.