Angular Analysis

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The Angular Analysis calculates the angle between 2 vectors defined by 3 or 4 points or 1 vector defined by 2 or 1 point(s) and a plane or axis.




Angular Analysis Options


Type of Angle


2 Vectors using 4 Points

2 Vectors using 3 Points

1 Vector using 2 Points


Project 2nd Vector into a

2D Plane


This will project the 3D vector into a 2D plane to create a 2nd vector.  Only available in 3D

Prject 3D Angle into a

2D Plane


Project 3D angle into a 2D plane to create a 2D angle

Use Origin as Point B


Use Origin as Point B.  This will use Origin as one of the points of the projected vector.

Calculate 2D Angle vs 2D



This will calculate the 2D angle between a vector and a 2D axis

Angle Range


Can be either -180 to +180 Degrees or 0 to 360 Degrees

Angle Units


Angle Units.  Can be Degrees, Radians or Gradians

Normalize Graph


This will calculate the average of the specified number of frames starting with frame 1 and then subtract this from every frame.  This will result in the change of motion instead of absolute motion.