Widget are min MaxTRAQ applications that attaches themself to the outside edge of the main window. Currently there are 4 Widgets, a calculator, a calendar, a notepad and a wizzard.
The Widget Toolbar
A simple scientific calculator.
A very simple calendar.
Manual Event Recorder. Use the function keys F1-F8 or double-click on a cell to toggle an event. Use arrow keys to step forward or backwards in the file. To play a file forward, use Ctrl+G or PageDown. To play a file backwards, use Ctrl+B or Delete. To stop playback, use Space or Esc. Click on the icon to display the options dialog. The events can be saved to an ASCII file.
Please Note; The Event Recorder must be the active window in order to use the shortcut keys.
A notepad to keep notes. The notes can be saved as .txt files. You can drop a .txt file onto MaxTRAQ to open up the myNotes widget.
The main intention with the Wizzard is to provide a way to create custom guides and/or tutorials. It is implemented as a min browser so you can use any html editor to create these guides/tutorials. Special hyperlinks (HyperScript) have been implemented so you can control MaxTRAQ by using these hyperlinks.
HyperScript format:
href="MaxTRAQ:SimpleScript Command"