Recording a Video  -  Not Available in the Educational Edition

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The Recorder User Interface




Recording a Video


ØSelect the camera to use from the Camera Controls.
ØSelect Resolution from the drop down
ØSelect Frame Rate
ØIf the camera supports any of the Camera Controls, Camera Settings or Video Settings these buttons are enabled and can be used to further adjust the camera.
ØTurn on Preview in the Recorder Controls to check the camera settings.
ØSet the stop condition.
ØSelect Video Compression mode.
ØClick on Record in the recorder controls.
ØAfter the recording has stopped, the Play button will be enabled and you can check your recording before you save the video.
ØSelect Save As from the file menu and save the file.  MaxTRAQ will then switch over to tracking mode.  To record and another video, select new Recording from the File menu.