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state = VIDEO.Grid( nControl  AS INTEGER,

                    nLineType AS INTEGER,

                    nHoriz    AS INTEGER,

                    nVert     AS INTEGER,

                    Color     AS INTEGER ) AS INTEGER





Turns the display grid on or off by setting the line type to 0 (off) or one of the defined line types.  The number of horizontal and vertical lines can be set as well as the color of the lines.


' Grid Line Types

CONST MT_Grid_Off          = 0

CONST MT_Grid_Solid        = 1

CONST MT_Grid_Dashed       = 2

CONST MT_Grid_LightDash    = 3

CONST MT_Grid_Dotted       = 4




VIDEO.Grid( nControl, MT_Grid_Solid, 3, 3, RGB( 222, 122, 111 ) )

VIDEO.Gamma( nControl, -0.25 )

VIDEO.Contrast( nControl, 0.25 )