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shape = VIDEO.GetMarkerShape( nControl AS INTEGER ) AS INTEGER





Sets or gets the marker shape.  Marker shape can be one of the following


' Marker Shapes

CONST MT_No_Marker         = 0

CONST MT_Filled_Cirdle     = 1

CONST MT_Numbered_Circle   = 2

CONST MT_Circle            = 3

CONST MT_Cross             = 4

CONST MT_Question_Mark     = 5




PRINT "No of Frames: ";VIDEO.GetNoOfFrames( nControl ),

PRINT "Resolution:   ";VIDEO.GetXResolution( nControl );"x";VIDEO.GetYResolution( nControl ),

PRINT "Units:        ";VIDEO.GetUnits( nControl ),

PRINT "Angle Units:  ";VIDEO.GetAngleUnits( nControl ),

PRINT "Marker Shape: ";VIDEO.GetMarkerShape( nControl ),

PRINT "Time Stamp:   ";VIDEO.GetTimeStamp( nControl ),

PRINT "File Time:    ";VIDEO.GetFileTime( nControl ),

PRINT "Frame Time:   ";VIDEO.GetFrameTime( nControl, 10 ),