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' MyBASIC2_MaxTRAQX.bas - Includes for MaxTRAQX


' Play Directions

CONST MT_Stopped           = 0

CONST MT_Forward           = 1

CONST MT_Reverse           = -1


' Display Types

CONST MT_No_Scale          = 0

CONST MT_Keep_Aspect       = 1

CONST MT_Scale_100         = 100


' Marker Shapes

CONST MT_No_Marker         = 0

CONST MT_Filled_Cirdle     = 1

CONST MT_Numbered_Circle   = 2

CONST MT_Circle            = 3

CONST MT_Cross             = 4

CONST MT_Question_Mark     = 5


' Play Speeds (can be between 1 and 10)

CONST MT_Very_Slow         = 1

CONST MT_Slower            = 3

CONST MT_Slow              = 6

CONST MT_Normal            = 8

CONST MT_Fast              = 9

CONST MT_Very_Fast         = 10


' Show Tools

CONST MT_Hide_Tools        = 0x00000000

CONST MT_Show_Tools        = 0xffffffff

CONST MT_Show_Distance     = 0x00000001

CONST MT_Show_Angle        = 0x00000002

CONST MT_Show_Note         = 0x00000004

CONST MT_Show_Scale        = 0x00000008

CONST MT_Show_Stick        = 0x00000010

CONST MT_Show_ProjPoint    = 0x00000020

CONST MT_Show_COM          = 0x00000040

CONST MT_Show_Grid         = 0x00000080

CONST MT_Show_Caliper      = 0x00000100


' Save options

CONST MT_Save_All          = 0x00000000

CONST MT_Save_T0T1         = 0x00000001

CONST MT_Save_ProgEvent    = 0x00000002


' Grid Line Types

CONST MT_Grid_Solid        = 1

CONST MT_Grid_Dashed       = 2

CONST MT_Grid_LightDash    = 3

CONST MT_Grid_Dotted       = 4


' From MaxTRAQDefs.h

CONST MT_All_Points        = -1

CONST MT_All_Tools         = -1

CONST MT_All_Frames        = -1


' Tool Types

CONST MT_Tools_None        = 0

CONST MT_Tools_Distance    = 1

CONST MT_Tools_Angle       = 2

CONST MT_Tools_Note        = 3

CONST MT_Tools_Scale       = 4

CONST MT_Tools_Stick       = 5

CONST MT_Tools_ProjPoint   = 6

CONST MT_Tools_COM         = 7

CONST MT_Tools_Grid        = 8

CONST MT_Tools_Caliper     = 9


' Angle Units

CONST MT_Units_Degrees     = 0

CONST MT_Units_Radians     = 1

CONST MT_Units_Grads       = 2


' To simplify Font Selections

CONST MT_Font_Bold         = 700

CONST MT_Font_Normal       = 400


' Point Status Flags

CONST MT_Point_Valid       = 0x00000001

CONST MT_Point_Calc        = 0x00000002

CONST MT_Point_Interpol    = 0x00000004

CONST MT_Point_Origin      = 0x00000008


' Tool Properties

CONST MT_Tool_Properties   = 100