TRACE Statement

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TRACE arg1, arg1...



Outputs number or string to the debugger trace window or stream.  It can also output to special Trace Window which can be very useful for simple debugging.  In order to output to a Trace Window you have to turn on Trace first using OPTION TRACE.  Trace Windows are available in  MyBASIC2 Ide or Tracer utility.


The TRACE statement is identical to PRINT except it will output to debuggers trace window or stream.  The output depends on the current operating environment (see environment).


;                           Between arguments concatenate arguments

,                           At the end of line = New line


The   MyBASIC2 Ide or Tracer utility have implemented the following special format strings:


"~"                         Clear Trace Window

"@"                         Display Tracer Utility Info

"="                         Insert Divider

"{Font,Size,Bold,Italic}"   Set Font




TRACE "Kalle";" ";"Anka",