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RETURN_STRING( string-value )



Returns a STRING.  Note that you have to use mb_malloc, MAKE_STRING or COPY_STRING to create this string before returning it since it will be freed by the MyBASIC2 interpreter once it is no longer used.  Omitting to do so will result in a memory error.





// Capitalize each word in a string

int _title_case_func( mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l )


  // Parse Parameter

  BEGIN_PARSE( s, l )

     POP_STRING( pStrPar )



  // Make a copy that we can return

  COPY_STRING( pOutput, pStrPar )


  // Make all lower first

  strlwr( pOutput );


  // Always make sure first is Upper

  pOutput[0] = toupper( pOutput[0] );


  // Convert first character of every word to upper case

  for ( unsigned i = 1; i < strlen( pOutput ); i++ )


     if ( ( pOutput[i-1] == ' ' ) || ( pOutput[i-1] == '\t' ) )


        pOutput[i] = toupper( pOutput[i] );




  // Return Converted String

  RETURN_STRING( pOutput );
