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ok = PROPLIST.AddProperty( category    AS STRING, 

                           propname    AS STRING, 

                           value       AS VARIANT, 

                           description AS STRING, 

                           buttontype  AS INTEGER,

                           enabled     AS INTEGER )



Adds a property and initializes it.   Returns 0 if ok otherwise -1.


ComboBox properties are specified as string lists.  For example; "Guy|Girl|Stud|Whore|Snatch"


The following Button Types have been defined


CONST PL_ButtonNone        = 0

CONST PL_ButtonBrowse      = 1

CONST PL_ButtonPick        = 2

CONST PL_ButtonOpen        = 3

CONST PL_ButtonLink        = 4

CONST PL_ButtonColor       = 5

CONST PL_ButtonMail        = 6

CONST PL_ButtonMultiText   = 10

CONST PL_ButtonButton      = 11

CONST PL_ButtonFont        = 13

CONST PL_ButtonCheck       = 14

CONST PL_ButtonCombo       = 15

CONST PL_ButtonPicture     = -1


This will remove any text between {} brackets and return the text align.  The embedded text align  can be placed anywhere in the string and only last align code will be used.  The string can be broken into several parts using the 'B' align code and each part can have it's own text align.


Note that the text align code is part of the caption and is used to identify the property and must be present in all subsequent calls to GetValue, SetOption, GetItem, SetMinMax etc.


The following align codes exist:


|           Center Horizontally

<           Align Left

>           Align Right

-           Center Vertically

^           Align Top

v           Align Bottom

B (or b)    Break




"This is Top Left{^<}"

"This is right in the middle{|-}"





PROPLIST.ADDPROPERTY( "Nisse", "Floating Point", 123.456, "?", 0, TRUE )

PROPLIST.ADDPROPERTY( "Nisse", "Integer Value", 1, "?", 0, TRUE )

PROPLIST.ADDPROPERTY( "Nisse", "Select Color", 0x008000ff, "?", 5, TRUE )

PROPLIST.ADDPROPERTY( "Nisse", "Checked Item ?", FALSE, "?", 14, TRUE )

PROPLIST.ADDPROPERTY( "Kalle", "What's Your Name ?", "Kalle Anka", "?", 0, TRUE )

PROPLIST.ADDPROPERTY( "Kalle", "And Your Address ?", "Rumpknull 69"+chr(13)+chr(10)+"Ankeborg, NO  666", "?", 10, TRUE )

PROPLIST.ADDPROPERTY( "Kalle", "Sexy", "Guy|Girl|Stud|Whore|Pussy", "?", 15, TRUE )

PROPLIST.ADDPROPERTY( "Kalle", "Picture", "C:\Users\Hackermeister\Pictures\pic-14922-1920x1080.jpg", "?", PL_ButtonPicture, FALSE )

PROPLIST.ADDPROPERTY( "Other Stuff", "Pick a Font", "Arial,10,Bold", "?", 13, TRUE )

PROPLIST.ADDPROPERTY( "Other Stuff", "Any Links ?", "", "?", 4, FALSE )

PROPLIST.ADDPROPERTY( "Other Stuff", "Email Address ?", "", "?", 6, FALSE )

PROPLIST.ADDPROPERTY( "Other Stuff", "File Under", "", "?", 3, TRUE )

PROPLIST.ADDPROPERTY( "Buts", "Pick Something", "Good Stuff...", "?", 2, TRUE )

PROPLIST.ADDPROPERTY( "Buts", "Just Browsing", "For Some Kuks", "?", 1, TRUE )

PROPLIST.ADDPROPERTY( "Buts", "Button Button", 123, "?", 11, TRUE )