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status_t mb_translate_reference( mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l, void* pReference, void** pValue, mb_data_e* type )



This will return the value and the type of the variable pointed to by the supplied reference. the type parameter will return the type and the pValue parameter will point to the value upon return.  You need need to cast the pointer to the correct type depending on the returned type.





// This will return the type pointed to by the reference param

int _get_reference_type( mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l )


  // Parse Parameter

  BEGIN_PARSE( s, l )

     POP_REFERENCE( ref )



  // Translate the Reference

  mb_value_e type;

  void*      pValue;


  mb_translate_reference( s, l, ref, &pValue, &type );


  // Need a buffer to hold output from mb_make_value_t

  char buffer[256];


  // Copy to output string that we can return

  COPY_STRING( pOutput, mb_value_e_to_string( type, buffer ) );


  // Return the type as string

  RETURN_STRING( pOutput );




// This will return the value of a reference as mb_value_t

int _get_reference_value( mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l )


  // Parse Parameter

  BEGIN_PARSE( s, l )

     POP_REFERENCE( ref )



  // Translate the Reference

  mb_value_e type;

  void*      pValue;


  mb_translate_reference( s, l, ref, &pValue, &type );


  // Need to create a mb_value_t return value

  mb_value_u uval;

  mb_value_t val;


  switch ( type )


     case MB_DT_INT:

        uval.integer = *(int_t*)pValue;


     case MB_DT_REAL:

        uval.float_point = *(real_t*)pValue;


     case MB_DT_STRING:

        uval.string = *(char*)pValue;



        // This is always a pointer of some kind

        uval.pointer = *(void*)pValue;



   mb_make_value_t( &val, uval, type, NULL );


  // Return the value

  RETURN_VALUE( val );
