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status_t mb_pop_string_or_null( mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l, char** val )



This function pops a STRING parameter from the interpreter.  This function differs from the mb_pop_string function that it will allow a string value of NULL to be passed as an argument.






LOCAL int _std_upper( mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l )


  char*    pStr = 0;

  char*    arg = 0;


  mb_assert( s && l );


  mb_check( mb_attempt_open_bracket( s, l ) );

  mb_check( mb_pop_string_or_null( s, l, &arg ) );

  mb_check( mb_attempt_close_bracket( s, l ) );


  pStr = safe_strupr( mb_malloc_strcpy( arg ) );


  mb_check( mb_push_string( s, l, pStr ) );


  return MB_FUNC_OK;

