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status_t mb_load_file_ex( mb_interpreter_t* s, const char* lpFileName, const char* lpEnv, const char* lpDefDir, uint_t dwOptions )



This is an extended version of mb_load_file.  It has additional paramaters for additional options.


lpFileName   - Name of the file to load

lpDefDir     - Name of an OS Environment variable pointing to a folder where to

              look for the file if a folder is not specified

dwOptions    - Additional option flags

              MB_LOAD_NORMAL         No additional options

              MB_LOAD_ONCE           Used for include files to indicate that

                                     it should only be included once (see $INCLUDE)

              MB_LOAD_INC            Indicates that this is an Include File

              MB_LOAD_CHECKONLY      Will only check that the file exists

              MB_LOAD_NOSYSFILES     Prevents System Include and Llibrary files to be loaded






int CMyBASIC2::LoadFile( LPCTSTR lpszFileName, BOOL bLoadComments, DWORD dwOptions )


  if ( bLoadComments )


     mb_debug_enable( m_bas, MB_DBG_ENABLE_COMMENTS, 0 );




  return mb_load_file_ex( m_bas, lpszFileName, NULL, NULL, dwOptions );

