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bool_t mb_has_arg_type( mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l, mb_data_e type )



Detect if there is any more arguments and if so, the argument is of supplied type.






int _core_beep( mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l )


  /* BEEP statement */


  int   result = MB_FUNC_OK;

  int   nBeep = -1;


  mb_assert( s && l );


  mb_check( mb_attempt_func_begin( s, l ) );


  if ( mb_has_arg_type( s, l, MB_DT_INT ) ) mb_check( mb_pop_int( s, l, &nBeep ) );


  mb_check( mb_attempt_func_end( s, l ) );


  mb_check( mb_push_int( s, l, os_MessageBeep( nBeep ) ) );


  return result;

