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bool_t mb_set_array_array( LPARRAY pArrDst, LPIXARRAY ix_array_dst, LPARRAY pArrSrc, LPIXARRAY ix_array_src )



Initializes an array using a source array.  The ix_arrays specifies what part of the arrays to copy.  Note;  Source and Destination must be of same size.





// Copy the whole array from Array In to Array Out using "wild" ix array


void CopyArray( LPARRAY pOut, LPARRAY pIn )


  int ixArrIn[4]  = { -1, -1, -1, -1 };

  int ixArrOut[4] = { -1, -1, -1, -1 };


  mb_set_array_array( pOut, ixArrOut, pIn, ixArrIn );

