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C Syntax

bool_t mb_check_array_dimensions( LPARRAY pArr, mb_data_e eType, int ix1, int ix2, int ix3, int ix4 )


C++ Syntax

bool_t mb_check_array_dimensions( LPARRAY pArr, mb_data_e eType, int ix1, int ix2 = 0, int ix3 = 0, int ix4 = 0 )



Checks array dimensions and array type.  To check for any array type, pass MB_DT_ANY as type.  The following macros can be used for dimension comparison on each dimension;


MB_EXACTLY( x )    Match dimension exactly

MB_AT_LEAST( x )   Specified array dimension must have at least this size

MB_MAX_DIM( x )    This is the maximum size of specified dimension

MB_GT( x )         Dimension must be Greater Than specified dimension size.

                  This is mainly used to ensure array index is within bounds





// Returns TRUE if array is large enough for specified dimensions


int _check_array( mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l )


  // Parse Parameter

  BEGIN_PARSE( s, l )

     POP_ARRAY( pArr )

     POP_INT( ix1 )

     OPT_INT( ix2, 0 )

     OPT_INT( ix3, 0 )

     OPT_INT( ix4, 0 )



  bool_t bResult = mb_check_array_dimensions( pArr,

                                              mb_get_array_type( pArr ),

                                              MB_AT_LEAST( ix1 ),

                                              MB_AT_LEAST( ix2 ),

                                              MB_AT_LEAST( ix3 ),

                                              MB_AT_LEAST( ix4 ) );


  // Return the type as string

  RETURN_INT( bResult );
