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void* mb_calloc( size_t size )



Allocates a memory block with all elements initialized to 0 that can be used for variables and strings and arrays in MyBASIC2.  An allocated memory block must be deallocated using the mb_free function.




// Simple function that returns the string "This is My String!"


int _my_func( mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l )


  mb_assert( s && l );


  mb_check( mb_attempt_open_bracket( s, l ) );

  mb_check( mb_attempt_close_bracket( s, l ) );


  const char* pMyString = "This is My String!";


  char* pString = (char*)mb_calloc( strlen( pMyString ) + 1 );


  if ( pString )


     strcpy( pString,  pMyString );



  mb_check( mb_push_string( s, l, pString ) );


  return MB_FUNC_OK;
