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ref_arr_out = MAL.VectorTransform( BYREF arr_out      AS ARRAY,

                                   BYREF arr_in       AS ARRAY,

                                   BYREF arr_TM       AS ARRAY,

                                  [BYVAL nPoint       AS INTEGER=ML_ALL],

                                  [BYVAL nFrameOffset AS INTEGER=0] ) AS REFERENCE



Transforms a 3D point using the supplied 3x3 Transformation Matrix.  This function will transform all or selected points in the input array using a single Transformation Matrix and store the result in the output array.




DIM TM( nFrames, 3, 3 ) AS REAL

DIM out( nFrames, nPoints,3) AS REAL


' Create Transformation Matrix and then Transform all points

MAL.CreateTM( TM, Position, 1, 2, 3 )

MAL.VectorTransform( out, Position, tm )