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ref_TM_out = MAL.NormalizeTM( [BYREF TM_out       AS ARRAY],

                               BYREF TM_in        AS ARRAY,

                              [BYVAL nFrameOffset AS INTEGER=0] ) AS REFERENCE



Normalize a 3x3 transformation matrix.  The input matrix can be either


DIM tm( 3, 3 ) AS REAL




DIM tm( nFrames, 3, 3 ) AS REAL


In the first case, the frame offset will always be ignored





' Create the output TM


DIM TM_Out( nFrames, 3, 3 ) AS REAL


' Using V3D to create the 3 3D arrays

MAL.CreateTM( TM_Out,_

             V3D( Position, 1 ),_

             V3D( Position, 2 ),_

             V3D( Position, 3 ) )

CALL PrintArray( REF( TM_Out ) )



' Transpose


DIM TM_Transposed( nFrames, 3, 3 ) AS REAL


MAL.TransposeTM( TM_Transposed, TM_Out )

CALL PrintArray( REF( TM_Transposed ) )



' Normalize


DIM TM_Normalized( nFrames, 3, 3 ) AS REAL


MAL.NormalizeTM( TM_Normalized, TM_Out )

CALL PrintArray( REF( TM_Normalized ) )