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value = MAL.InvalidValue( [BYVAL new_rate AS REAL=NULL] ) AS REAL



Sets or returns the floating point value used to determine if a number (or 2D/3D coordinate) is valid or not.  This is used by most functions in the library and will be used wgen interpolating arrays/vectors.  The default value is FLT_MAX (3.402823466e+38F) and shouldn't normally be changed since other MyBASIC2 libraries are using this as well.




' Set Invalid Value to 0

MAL.InvalidValue( 0 )


DIM pos( nFrames, nPoints, 3 ) AS REAL


' Get the position data

C3DFile.GetPoints( nFile, pos )


' Check if any invalids

FOR frame = 1 TO nFrames

  FOR point = 1 TO nPoints

     IF ( pos(frame,point,1) = MAL.InvalidValue() ) AND

        ( pos(frame,point,2) = MAL.InvalidValue() ) AND

        ( pos(frame,point,3) = MAL.InvalidValue() ) THEN


        ' An invalid Marker Position was found.  Can't continue :-(

        PRINT "Invalid Marker Value Detected.  Operation Aborted!",

        STOP 666

