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' MyBASIC2_MaxMAL.bas - Includes for MaxMAL


' Array Functions

CONST ML_ALL                  = -1           ' Use all Dimensions/Points/Frames


' Data Types

CONST ML_VOID                 = -1           ' Unknown Data Type

CONST ML_AUTO                 = -1           ' Autodetect Type (same as void)

CONST ML_SCALAR               = 0            ' Scalar Number

CONST ML_1D                   = 1            ' 1D Vector (It's a time series of Scalars)

CONST ML_2D                   = 2            ' 2D Vector

CONST ML_3D                   = 3            ' 3D Vector

CONST ML_TM                   = 9            ' 3x3 Transformation Matrix


' 2D/3D Points

CONST ML_X                    = 0            ' X Dimension

CONST ML_Y                    = 1            ' Y Dimension

CONST ML_Z                    = 2            ' Z Dimension


' 3D Planes

CONST ML_3D_SPACE             = 0x00         ' This is same as 3D space/No Plane

CONST ML_XY_PLANE             = 0x01         ' XY Plane = Top View

CONST ML_YZ_PLANE             = 0x02         ' YZ Plane = Side View

CONST ML_XZ_PLANE             = 0x03         ' XZ Plane = Front View

CONST ML_2D_PLANE             = 0x08         ' Project into 2 Plane


' 2D/3D Axis

CONST ML_AXIS_X               = 0            ' X Axis

CONST ML_AXIS_Y               = 1            ' Y Axis

CONST ML_AXIS_Z               = 2            ' Z Axis


' Waveform Types

CONST ML_SINE                 = 1            ' Create Sine Waveform

CONST ML_SQUARE               = 2            ' Create Square Waveform

CONST ML_TRIANGLE             = 3            ' Create Triangular Waveform

CONST ML_SAWTOOTH             = 4            ' Create Sawtooth Waveform

CONST ML_RAMP                 = 5            ' Create a Ramp


' Transform Point

CONST ML_MOVETO               = 92           ' Transform point(s) to local coordinate system

CONST ML_MOVEINTO             = 94           ' Transform point(s) into local coordinate system


' Interpolation Types

CONST ML_LINEAR               = 41           ' Linear Interpolation

CONST ML_SPLINE               = 42           ' Spline Interpolation


' Filter Types

CONST ML_AVERAGE              = 51           ' Smoothing - Moving Average Filter

CONST ML_MEDIAN               = 52           ' Smoothing - Moving Median Filter

CONST ML_SMOOTHING            = 53           ' Smoothing - Smoothing

CONST ML_LOWPASS              = 54           ' Digital   - Lowpass Filter

CONST ML_HIGHPASS             = 55           ' Digital   - Higpass Filter

CONST ML_BANDPASS             = 56           ' Digital   - Bandpass Filter

CONST ML_NOTCH                = 57           ' Digital   - Notch Filter


' Angle and Rotation Units

CONST ML_RADIANS              = 0            ' Use Radians as Angle Units

CONST ML_DEGREES              = 1            ' Use Degrees as Angle Units

CONST ML_GRADIAN              = 2            ' Use Gradian as Angle Units


' Angle Degree Range

CONST ML_RANGE_180            = 0            ' +/- 180 Degrees

CONST ML_RANGE_360            = 1            ' 0-360 Degrees


' 2D Angle Types

CONST ML_ANGLE_NORMAL         = 0            ' Vector vs Vector Angle

CONST ML_ANGLE_VSAXIS         = 1            ' Vector vs 2D Axis


' Angle Options Multipliers

CONST MA_ANGOPT_3DPLANES      = 1            ' 3D Planes

CONST MA_ANGOPT_ANGLERANGE    = 256          ' Angle Range

CONST MA_ANGOPT_UNITS         = 1024         ' Angle Units

CONST MA_ANGOPT_2DANGLES      = 16384        ' 2D Angle Type

CONST MA_ANGOPT_AXIS          = 65535        ' Axis when Angle vs Axis



Constants Included in  file MyBASIC2_MaxMALProcs.BIS



' MyBASIC2_MaxMALProcs.bas - Includes for MaxMAL Processors Constants



' Processor Identifiers


CONST ML_WAVEFORM             = 0x00000001   ' Creates a waveform. The waveform can be one of Sine, Square, Triangle, Sawtooth or Ramp

CONST ML_MIN                  = 0x00000002   ' Return minimum value

CONST ML_MAX                  = 0x00000003   ' Return maximum value

CONST ML_VMATH                = 0x00000004   ' Perform Primitive Vector Math functions

CONST ML_VLEN                 = 0x00000005   ' Calculate length of a 2D or 3D vector

CONST ML_VSET                 = 0x00000006   ' Calculate length of a 2D or 3D vector

CONST ML_MEAN                 = 0x00000007   ' Return Mean Value of 1D vector

CONST ML_MEDIAN               = 0x00000008   ' Return Median Value of 1D vector

CONST ML_DERIVATIVES          = 0x00000009   ' Calculates Derivatives (1st and 2nd)

CONST ML_NORMALIZE            = 0x0000000A   ' Normalize a data set

CONST ML_INTERPOLATE          = 0x0000000B   ' Spline and Linear Interpolation

CONST ML_FILTERS              = 0x0000000C  ' Filters (Average, Median, Smoothing, FIR)

CONST ML_ANGLES               = 0x0000000D   ' Calculate 2D or 3D Angles between vectors or vectors and planes

CONST ML_VNORM                = 0x0000000E   ' Create a Unit (Normalized) Vector

CONST ML_SCALARPRODUCT        = 0x0000000F   ' Calculate Scalar Product or Dot of 3D vector

CONST ML_DOTPRODUCT           = 0x0000000F   ' Calculate Dot or Scalar Product of 3D vector

CONST ML_CROSSPRODUCT         = 0x00000010   ' Calculate Cross Product of 3D vector

CONST ML_TRANSFORM            = 0x00000011   ' Transform 3D Vector using a 3x3 Transformation Matrix

CONST ML_TMNORMALIZE          = 0x00000012   ' Normalize a 3x3 Transformation Matrix

CONST ML_TMINVERSE            = 0x00000013   ' Inverse of a 3x3 Transformation Matrix

CONST ML_TMTRANSPOSE          = 0x00000014   ' Transpose a 3x3 Transformation Matrix

CONST ML_TMCREATE             = 0x00000015   ' Create Rotation Matrix from 3 3D Points

CONST ML_ORIENTATION          = 0x00000016   ' Calculate Orientation from rotation matrix

CONST ML_TMDETERMINANT        = 0x00000017   ' Calculate the Determinant of a 3x3 Transformation Matrix

CONST ML_PROJPOINT            = 0x00000018   ' Create Projected Point

CONST ML_LOCALCOORDSYS        = 0x00000019   ' Transform to/into Local Coordinate System

CONST ML_LINES                = 0x0000001A   ' Line Geometry Functions

CONST ML_DISTANCE             = 0x0000001B   ' Calculate Distance between 2 consecutive points

CONST ML_SUM                  = 0x0000001C   ' Calculate the sum of an array

CONST ML_CONVERTUNITS         = 0x0000001D   ' Convert Units



' Waveform Action Modifiers


CONST WF_SINE                 = 1            ' Create Sine Waveform

CONST WF_SQUARE               = 2            ' Create Square Waveform

CONST WF_TRIANGLE             = 3            ' Create Triangular Waveform

CONST WF_SAWTOOTH             = 4            ' Create Sawtooth Waveform

CONST WF_RAMP                 = 5            ' Create a Ramp



' Vector Math Action Modifiers


CONST VM_ADD                  = 21           ' Add 2 Vectors

CONST VM_SUB                  = 22           ' Subtract 2 Vectors

CONST VM_MUL                  = 23           ' Multiply a Vector with a Scalar or Vector of same Dimensions

CONST VM_DIV                  = 24           ' Divide a Vector with a Scalar or Vector of same Dimensions



' Derivatives Modifiers


CONST DV_VEL                  = 1            ' 1st Derivative aka Velocity

CONST DV_1ST                  = 1            ' 1st Derivative aka Velocity

CONST DV_ACC                  = 2            ' 2nd Derivative aka Acceleration

CONST DV_2ND                  = 2            ' 2dn Derivative aka Acceleration



' Normalize Modifiers


CONST NL_START                = 31           ' Normalize data set using first N samples



' Interpolation Modifiers


CONST IP_LINEAR               = 41           ' Linear Interpolation

CONST IP_SPLINE               = 42           ' Spline Interpolation



' Filters Action Modifiers


CONST FI_AVERAGE              = 51           ' Moving Average Filter

CONST FI_MEDIAN               = 52           ' Moving Median Filter

CONST FI_SMOOTHING            = 53           ' Smoothing

CONST FI_LOWPASS              = 54           ' Lowpass Filter

CONST FI_HIGHPASS             = 55           ' Higpass Filter

CONST FI_BANDPASS             = 56           ' Bandpass Filter

CONST FI_NOTCH                = 57           ' Notch Filter



' Angles Action Modifiers.  These can be Ored


CONST AN_2D                   = 61           ' 2D Angle between 2 vectors

CONST AN_3D                   = 62           ' 3D Angle between 2 vectors

CONST AN_PROJECTED_3D         = 63           ' 3D data projected into a plane

                                            ' Note; This is the same as AN_2D|AN_3D


CONST AN_PLANE                = 64           ' Angle between vector and a 2D or 3D plane

                                            ' Add to AN_2D or AN_3D to create either of

                                            ' the following AM


CONST AN_PLANE_2D             = 125          ' 2D vector vs X or Y axis/plane

CONST AN_PLANE_3D             = 126          ' 3D vector vs a plane.  Vector is project onto a plane to create 2nd vector

CONST AN_PLANE_2D3D           = 127          ' 3D Projected to 2D vector vs X or Y axis/plane



' Lines Action Modifiers


CONST LN_INTERSECT            = 71           ' Check if segments ab and cd intersect

CONST LN_BETWEEN              = 72           ' Check if (a, b, c) are collinear and point c lies on the closed segement ab

CONST LN_COLLINEAR            = 73           ' Check if points a, b and c are collinear

CONST LN_LEFT                 = 74           ' Check if c is strictly to the left of the directed line through a to b

CONST LN_DISTANCE             = 75           ' Calculate shortest distance between line AB and point



' Lines Property Identifiers


CONST LN_EPSILON              = 78           ' The minimum distance for Collinearity

CONST LN_COLLINEAR_TYPE       = 79           ' Type of Collinearity Calculation


CONST CL_MOCAP                = 1            ' Collinearity test best suited for MoCap applications

CONST CL_FAST                 = 2            ' Fastest way of testing

CONST CL_TRI                  = 3            ' Calculates triangular area for test



' Projected Points Action Modifiers


CONST PP_LINEAR               = 82           ' Linear transformation using 2 points

CONST PP_PERCENT              = 1            ' Distance specified as percentage of the length between the 2 points. 

                                            ' Only valid with PP_LINEAR

CONST PP_LINEAR_PERCENT       = 83           ' PP_LINEAR combined with PP_PERCENT

CONST PP_PROJECTED            = 84           ' Project using local coordinate system defined by 3 points

                                            ' and Axis definitions (3D) or 2 points defining positive

                                            ' X Axis.  Projection is then calculated using supplied offset

                                            ' as 2D or 3D coordinates

CONST PP_USE_ROTATION         = 1            ' Flag to add to PP_PROJECTED to indicate that we're supplying

                                            ' Distance + rotation angle (2D) as Offsets to Projected 2D Point

CONST PP_PROJECTED_ROT        = 85           ' PP_PROJECTED combined with PP_USE_ROTATION



' Coordinate Transformations Action Modifiers


CONST LS_TO                   = 92           ' Transforms point(s) to local coordinate system defined by 3 points

CONST LS_TO_TM                = 93           ' Transforms point(s) to local coordinate system defined by TM

                                            ' This is the same as LS_TO|LS_USE_TM

CONST LS_INTO                 = 94           ' Transforms point(s) into local coordinate system defined by 3 points

                                            ' This is the same as LS_INTO|LS_USE_TM

CONST LS_INTO_TM              = 95           ' Transforms point(s) into local coordinate system defined by TM


CONST LS_USE_TM               = 1            ' Flag to add/or to LS_TO or LS_INTO to specify to use

                                            ' supplied TM instead of points



' Transformation Matrix Creation Action Modifiers


CONST TM_POINTS               = 101          ' Use 3 3D points to create 3x3  Transformation Matrix

                                            ' Note; Same as OT_POINTS for ML_ORIENTATION



' Orientation Action Modifiers


CONST OT_POINTS               = 101          ' Use 3 points as input

CONST OT_MATRIX               = 102          ' Use transformation matrix



' Convert Units Action Modifiers


CONST CU_SOURCE               = 111          ' Source Units

CONST CU_DESTINATION          = 112          ' Destination Units