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return = LIST.Min( lid          AS HANDLE,

                   itx          AS INTEGER [=0],

                   return-value AS INTEGER [=FALSE] ) AS VARIANT


return = LIST.Min( lid          AS HANDLE,

                   item         AS STRING,

                   return-value AS INTEGER [=FALSE] ) AS VARIANT



Returns the List Element Index or the Item Value of the Min in the List.  The itx specifies the Item to look for.  If omitted, first Item is used.  The Item can also referred to by its name.






hList = LIST.Create( "Kalle", STRING, "Nisse", REAL, 4 )


LIST.At( hList, 0, 0, "Kalle Anka      " )

LIST.At( hList, 0, 1, 1.234 )

LIST.At( hList, 1, 0, "Kajsa Anka      " )

LIST.At( hList, 1, 1, 2.345 )

LIST.At( hList, 2, 0, "Joakim von Anka " )

LIST.At( hList, 2, 1, 3.456 )

LIST.At( hList, 3, 0, "Farmor Anka     " )

LIST.At( hList, 3, 1, 4.567 )


PRINT "Max: "; LIST.Max( hList, 0 ),

PRINT "Max: "; LIST.Max( hList, 1 ),

PRINT "Max: "; LIST.Max( hList, "Kalle", TRUE ),

PRINT "Max: "; LIST.Max( hList, "Nisse", TRUE ),


PRINT "Min: "; LIST.Min( hList, 0 ),

PRINT "Min: "; LIST.Min( hList, 1 ),

PRINT "Min: "; LIST.Min( hList, "Kalle", TRUE ),

PRINT "Min: "; LIST.Min( hList, "Nisse", TRUE ),