Lists and Collections Library

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This library contains functions to create and maintain lists and collections.  A list is a dynamic array that can grow or shrink as needed.  Each entry in a list can contain several items of different basic types, essentially creating a simple record/structure.  Functions to search and sort are also available.


The lists are similar to C/C++ Standard Library <array> Container or MFC CObArrays.





List ID.  Identifies a list.  The Create function will generate a unique ID for each list.


List Element Index.  This is the index into the List.  A List contains an number of List Elements.  Each List Element can contain a number of Items.  Each Item may be of different type creating a simple record or structure.  Element Items are identified by an IIX.  Element and Item indexes are based on OPTION BASE


Item Index.  This is the index into each item in a List Element.  Based on OPTION BASE



To use the library, include the following