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state = GRID.EnableSelection( BYVAL nControl AS INTEGER,

                              BYVAL state AS INTEGER ) AS INTEGER





Sets whether or not the grid cells can be selected.




GRID.ColumnResize( nControl, FALSE );

GRID.RowResize( nControl, FALSE );

GRID.EnableSelection( nControl, FALSE );

GRID.Editable( nControl, FALSE );

GRID.FrameFocusCell( nControl, FALSE );

GRID.SetDefaultFormatString( nControl, MG_CELL_INTEGER, "%1.2f" )

GRID.RowCount( nControl, 10 )

GRID.ColumnCount( nControl, 2 )

GRID.FixedRowCount( nControl, 1 )

GRID.FixedColumnCount( nControl, 1 )

GRID.RowHeight( nControl, 1, 32 )

GRID.ItemLong( nControl, 1, 1, 12 )

GRID.Refresh( nControl )