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nStatus = GRAPH.New(  BYVAL nControl AS INTEGER

                      BYVAL type     AS INTEGER,

                     [BYVAL title    AS STRING  = ""],

                     [BYVAL rate     AS INTEGER = 1],

                     [BYVAL nBorder  AS INTEGER=NG_Sunken] ) AS INTEGER



Creates a new graph in a GRAPH Control.  Colors and fonts used are defined by the COLOR and FONT functions.


The following CONSTs are defined in MyBASIC2_Graph.BIS


NG_XT                = 0    X vs T

NG_XY                = 1    X vs Y


You can use any of these constants for the Border Style.  Default is NG_Sunken.


CONST NG_Flat        = 0

CONST NG_Scope       = 1

CONST NG_Bitmap      = 2

CONST NG_Sunken      = 3

CONST NG_Frame       = 4




IF GRAPH.New( nControl, NG_XY, "Graph" ) <> 0 THEN

  ' Do some graphing stuff....