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nStatus = GRAPH.Element(  BYVAL nControl AS INTEGER,

                          BYVAL element  AS INTEGER,

                          BYVAL width    AS INTEGER,

                         [BYVAL line     AS INTEGER = 1],

                         [BYVAL symbol   AS INTEGER = 0],

                         [BYVAL color    AS INTEGER = CR_Default] ) AS INTEGER


nProperty = GRAPH.Element( BYVAL nControl AS INTEGER,

                           BYVAL element  AS INTEGER

                           BYVAL property AS INTEGER ) AS INTEGER


nElements = GRAPH.Element( BYVAL nControl AS INTEGER ) AS INTEGER



Sets or returns properties of the specified element.  If the element number is omitted or is set to 0, the current number of elements in the graph is returned.  If both width and symbol are 0 then the element is hidden.  Note; Element numbers always starts at 1.  The OPTION BASE doesn't affect the element numbering.


The following CONSTs are defined in MyBASIC2_Graph.BIS


Line Types

NG_None       = 0    No Grid

NG_Solid      = 1    Solid Line

NG_Dashed     = 2    Dashed Line

NG_Dotted     = 3    Dotted Line

NG_DashDot    = 4    Dashed Dotted Line

NG_DashDotDot = 5    Dashed Dotted Line


Symbol Types

NG_None       = 0    No Symbol

NG_Dot        = 1    Dots

NG_Rectangle  = 2    Rectangles

NG_Diamond    = 3    Diamonds

NG_Asterisk   = 4    Asterisk

NG_DTriangle  = 5    Down Triangles

NG_UTriangle  = 6    Up Triangles

NG_LTriangle  = 7    Left Triangle

NG_RTriangle  = 8    Right Triangles



CR_Default    = 0xFF000000


Return Properties

NG_LineType    = -1

NG_LineWidth   = -2

NG_SymbolType  = -3

NG_Name        = -4




nElement = GRAPH.AddElement( nControl, data_x, data_y )

GRAPH.Element( nControl, nElement, 1, NG_Solid, NG_Asterisk, RGB( 200, 128, 0 ) )





' Hide all the elements

FOR i = 1 TO GRAPH.Element( nControl )

  GRAPH.Element( nControl, i, NG_Hide )