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status = D3D.SetMarkerProperties( nControl AS INTEGER,

                                  marker   AS INTEGER,

                                  size     AS INTEGER,

                                  color    AS INTEGER ) AS INTEGER



Sets the properties of the specified marker.  Marker numbers always starts at 1.




D3D.FID( nControl, hFID )


D3D.ScaleFactor( nControl, 1000 )

D3D.CreateScene( nControl, 1800, 800, 800, 80, 0, 0 )

D3D.Pan( nControl, 0, 0, 500 )

D3D.SetFloorOffset( nControl, 0, 0, 0 )

D3D.DrawFloor( nControl, TRUE )

D3D.DrawCoordSys( nControl, TRUE )

D3D.BackGroundColor( nControl, RGB( 0, 0, 0 ) )


D3D.SetMarkerProperties( nControl, 1, 32, RGB( 220, 20, 20 ) )

D3D.SetMarkerProperties( nControl, 2, 32, RGB( 20, 220, 20 ) )

D3D.SetMarkerProperties( nControl, 3, 32, RGB( 20, 20, 220 ) )