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Debugger Commands



The Command Line Mode debugger is an extremely rudimentary debugger.  You can single step, set break points and examine variables.


Local Commands:


  @ file-spec                 Execute Batch File

  ?                           About Debug Console


Debug Commands:


  Q                           Quit debugger and stop program

  S [n]                       Step n Program Lines using Step Over calls

  I [n]                       Step n Program Lines using Step Into calls

  G [mod:]line                Run Program to line or end

  B [mod:]line                Set Breakpoint

  E [mod][@sub:][var][(...)]  Examine Variable(s) or Arrays

  M [mod][@sub:]var           Modify Variable Value

  M [mod][@sub:]arr(...)      Modify one Array Value

  C                           Call Stack.  List function and sub calls

  R                           Run Stack.  List running sub programs and modules

  L [n]                       List next n Lines

  .                           Same a L 1

  T [n]                       Display n Trace messages.  If n is omitted, display all available

  N                           No Operation.  Do nothing and reply empty line

  O                           Options.  Modify Debugger Options

                                 0x00XX0001 - Source list format XX

                                 0xSSWW0002 - Width WW and separator char SS

                                 0xBPCL0003 - Current Line and Break Point Markers

                                 0xXXXX0X04 - Use WM_COPYDATA to broadcast debug information

  H                           This Text