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nFrames = C3DFile.GetPoints( BYVAL nFile       AS INTEGER, 

                             BYREF arrPos      AS REAL,

                            [BYREF arrResid    AS REAL=NULL],

                            [BYREF arrCamMask  AS INTEGER=NULL] ) AS INTEGER


ref_arr_ad = C3DFile.GetPoints( BYVAL nFile AS INTEGER ) AS REFERENCE



Reads the specified Point into the supplied array(s).  The Residual and Camera Mask arrays are optional and the be omitted.  You can use NULL in case you need to use the FileNo parameter.  The function returns the number of frames read if successful.


Note that you can pass either arrays or references to arrays.


The second syntax allocates a new array using NEW and fills the array with the position data.  The return value is a reference to the new array or NULL if failed.  Only position data can be obtained using this syntax.  Invalids are filled with current C3D invalid value (FLT_MAX).




DIM pos( nFrames, nPoints, 3 ) AS REAL

DIM res( nFrames, nPoints ) AS REAL

DIM cam( nFrames, nPoints ) AS INTEGER


C3DFile.GetPoints( nFile, pos, res, cam )


'' --> Can Omit resids and cam masks


C3DFile.GetPoints( nFile, REF( pos ) )


' We're using REFs in this example


C3DFile.GetPoints( nFile, REF( pos ), REF( res ), REF( cam ) )


' Here we're using a dynamic array




points = C3DFile.GetPoints( hFile )


IF ISREF( points ) THEN

  FOR j = 1 TO nPoints


     PRINT "3D Positions - Point:";C3DFile.GetPointName( hFile, j ),


     FOR i = 1 TO nFrames

        strName = FORMAT( "Frame %04d    : %6.1f, %6.1f, %6.1f, %6.3f, %04d", i, points(i-1,j-1,0), points(i-1,j-1,1), points(i-1,j-1,2) )

        PRINT strName,

     NEXT i

  NEXT j


  UNREF points