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filename = C3D.get_options( Fid       AS HANDLE, 

                            nFlags    AS INTEGER ) AS INTEGER



Returns the TRUE or FALSE if an option is set or not.  The following Options exists and are defined in MyBASIC2_C3D.bis


CONST C3D_OPT_DEFAULT            = 0x00000000

CONST C3D_OPT_NODATA             = 0x00000001   ' File opened with loading data

CONST C3D_OPT_READONLY           = 0x00000002   ' File is read only

CONST C3D_OPT_VERIFY             = 0x00000004   ' Open in verify mode only

CONST C3D_OPT_SHARED             = 0x00000008   ' File is shared

CONST C3D_OPT_COPY               = 0x00000010   ' Copy data to shared

CONST C3D_OPT_NOTIFY             = 0x00000020   ' Notify when file has changed when shared

CONST C3D_OPT_ZEROMEM            = 0x00000040   ' Initialize with 0 when creating new file




' Is file Read-only

IF NOT C3D.get_options( fid, C3D_OPT_READONLY ) THEN

  ' If not, save file

  C3D.SAVE( fid )


C3D.CLOSE( fid )