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Array dimensions are defined by an ix_array and dimension_count in the _array_t structure


#define  MB_MAX_DIMENSIONS             4

int      ix_array[MB_MAX_DIMENSIONS]   = { ix1, ix2, ix3, ix4 };


The dimension_count defines how many of the dimensions in th ix_array are being used.  This is defined when using the DIM array statement.


DIM arr_name( ix4, ix3, ix2, ix1 ) AS type


Not all the dimensions are required when defining an array.  When omitting dimensions, they are omitted from left to right.  For a 1D vector, only the first dimension in ix_array is used and the dimension_count is set to 1.


These are the possibilities with MB_MAX_DIMENSIONS = 4


DIM array_1d( ix1 )                -> ix_array[] = { ix1,   0,   0,   0 } / dimension_count = 1

DIM array_2d( ix2, ix1 )           -> ix_array[] = { ix1, ix2,   0,   0 } / dimension_count = 1

DIM array_2d( ix3, ix2, ix1 )      -> ix_array[] = { ix1, ix2, ix3,   0 } / dimension_count = 1

DIM array_2d( ix4, ix3, ix2, ix1 ) -> ix_array[] = { ix1, ix2, ix3, ix4 } / dimension_count = 1


When specifying indexes as part of an API function call, they are specified from left to right.  For example;


mb_ix( 3, 4, 60 ) is the same as DIM ix( 60, 4, 3 )


Also, note that all API calls are base 0 while any MyBASIC2 statements depends on the OPTION BASE setting.


The following API calls are provided to get array properties and data:


MBAPI mb_data_e mb_get_array_type( LPARRAY pArr );

MBAPI int       mb_get_array_element_count( LPARRAY pArr );

MBAPI int       mb_get_array_element_size( LPARRAY pArr );

MBAPI int       mb_get_array_dimensions( LPARRAY pArr, LPIXARRAY ix_array _DNULL );

MBAPI void*     mb_get_array_element_ptr( LPARRAY pArr, LPIXARRAY ix_array );

MBAPI bool_t    mb_check_array_dimensions( LPARRAY pArr, mb_data_e eType, int ix1, int ix2 _D0, int ix3 _D0, int ix4 _D0 );


MBAPI int       mb_get_array_index( LPARRAY pArr, LPIXARRAY ix_array );

MBAPI bool_t    mb_set_array( LPARRAY pArr, LPIXARRAY ix_array, mb_value_t val );

MBAPI bool_t    mb_set_array_array( LPARRAY pArrDst, LPIXARRAY ix_array_dst, LPARRAY pArrSrc, LPIXARRAY ix_array_src );

MBAPI bool_t    mb_get_array_element( LPARRAY pArr, LPIXARRAY ix_array, mb_value_t* val );

MBAPI bool_t    mb_set_array_element( LPARRAY pArr, LPIXARRAY ix_array, mb_value_t  val );


LPIXARRAY       mb_ix_set( LPIXARRAY lpIx, int ix1 _D0, int ix2 _D0, int ix3 _D0, int ix4 _D0 );

LPIXARRAY       mb_ix( int ix1 _D0, int ix2 _D0, int ix3 _D0, int ix4 _D0 );