Camera Window


Load and digitize your files in th camera window. You need to have at least two files loaded to calibrate.You also need to set the Lens Type and CCD Detector size.




Open File


Click on the button to load an AVI or MaxTRAQ file into the camera window. If you load AVI file, you will need to track the file before calibration.


Track File


Invokes MaxTRAQ 2D tracker with the current file. Once you have tracked the file in MaxTRAQ, exit the tracker to return to MaxTRAQ 3D calibration.


Close File


This will close the current camera file.


Current File


File name of the currently opened file is displayed i this window.


Lens Type


Specify the lens focal length. If your lens is not listed, then enter your lens type in the drop down box.


CCD Size


Specify the horizontal CCD size in mm or inches.  If you specify the size in inches, then you must end it with a quotation mark(").