Developers Interface

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This chapter describes the MaxA Developers Interface.  This can be used to add or modify an existing analysis.  Scripts are written in MyBASIC2 and the MyBASIC2 Ide is provided as a tool to write custom scripts.  For more information about MyBASIC2 and the tools available, please see the MyBASIC2 Help files.


There are several ways of extending MaxA and each level adds some complexity.  Simplest way is to add a user script to the MenuBar.  This script can open, modify and close data files or do data house keeping etc.


Second level is to add custom scripts to extend the User Interface Dialogs, Data Processing Scripts or Data Reporting Scripts.  You can also completely replace existsing UID, DPS or DRS scripts.  However, this is not recommended unless you're an experienced programmer.


The Third level is to use the Callback Interface to modify and/or extend an existing analysis.  This is the easiest way to add a new or custom analysis by extending an existing analysis.


The Fourth level and the most comprehensive is to add a completely new analysis using the available include files and common functions.