Adding Custom Scripts

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There are several Environment variables that you can define to control what is being called during an analysis.  The analysis process is divided into 3 steps:



The User Interface Dialog


This is the dialog that is being displayed before an analysis.  You can disable the display by setting the Environment variable MAXA$USE_UID to 0.  Once the user has clicked OK or Update Graph, the analysis function will call the DPS function.


Use the following Environment variables for UID



Set to 0 to disable the display of the UID


Set this to point to a UID Script that will replace the default UID script for selected analysis.  When using this, you're responsible for providing the information needed to complete the analysis


Point this to a script that will be called after the default UID has completed or when the user clicks the Update Graph button. You can use this to modify or provide additional information before calling DPS



Data Processing Script


The DPS will use the output from UID and start processing the data according to the selected options.  Once the data has been processed, the data is passed on to the DRS.


Use the following Environment variables for DPS



Set this to point to a DPS Script that will replace the default DPS script for selected analysis.  When using this, you're responsible to provide the output required by the DRS


Point this to a script that will be called after the default DPS script has completed.  You can use this to do additional processing on the data before it is passed to the DRS.



Data Reporting Script


The DRS will create the graphs and tables using the current analysis template and the output from the UID.


Use the following Environment variables for DRS



Set this to point to a DRS Script that will replace the default DRS script for selected analysis.  When using this, you will need to create the graphs and tables for the analysis


Point this to a script that will be called after the default DRS script has completed.  You can use this to modify or add to existing graphs and tables